1. Introduction
1.1 These Terms and Conditions govern the Wildside Rewards Program. It is the Member’s responsibility to read and understand them.
1.2 These Terms and Conditions are effective as at the date the membership is activated and may be amended by Wildside Magazine and/or its Rewards Partners at any time.
1.3 Wildside Loyalty Rewards benefits are provided on the terms and conditions specified by its Rewards Partners.
2. Definitions
2.1 In these Terms and Conditions unless the context otherwise requires:
WR means Wildside Rewards
Active Member at a point in time, means a Member who has paid the annual membership fee
Anniversary Month means each anniversary of the month during which a Member joined WLR
WR Benefit means a benefit under the Wildside Rewards Programe
Card means the WR Membership card
Claim means any action, legal claim, demand, suit, judgment or proceedings of any nature or kind whatsoever;
Eligible Products means the goods and services in relation to which WR Benefits are offered to Members from time to time by a Rewards Partner under its Reward Scheme;
Loss means all liabilities, losses, damages and costs and expenses suffered or incurred in connection with a Claim including, without limitation, consequential or economic loss or loss of profits;
Marketing Material means any advertising, promotional, marketing or consumer material or content prepared by or on behalf of Wildside Magazine any Rewards Partner which:
a. is intended for distribution through any Wildside Magazine or WR advertising, marketing or sales channel
Membership Account means in relation to each Member the membership account maintained by or on behalf of WR in which all membership details are held and which records WLR Benefits;
Membership Year:
a. for the first year, commences on the day of joining WR and concludes on the last day of the Member’s Anniversary Month the following year; and
b. subject to Membership renewal, for each successive year commences on the first day of the month following a Member’s Anniversary Month and concludes on the last day of the Member’s Anniversary Month in each relevant following year,
c. unless otherwise determined under clause 5.5;
Rewards Partner means an entity that offers Wildside Loyalty Reward Benefits to Members under its Reward Scheme
Terms and Conditions means these are the WR Program Terms and Conditions.
2.2 In these Terms and Conditions, unless the contrary intention appears:
a. the singular includes the plural and vice versa;
b. a reference to ‘include’ or ‘including’ means ‘including but not limited to’; and
3. Changes to Aquire Loyalty
3.1 Subject to clause 3.2 WLR reserves the right to make any changes (whether material or otherwise) to the WR Program, the Terms and Conditions and the WR Benefits offered including changes to:
a. WR Benefits, including their continued availability;
b. Membership requirements, including membership fees;
c. the expiry of Membership
d. the way in which the WR Program is administered;
e. the Reward Partners and the rewards they offer
3.2 WR will inform Members of material changes to these Terms and Conditions and, where such changes will limit WR Benefits, when practicable, will give Members at least 30 days’ notice by updating these Terms and Conditions and related information on www.wildsidesa.co.za.
3.3 Any applicable fees will be posted on www.wildsidesa.co.za
4. Termination or suspension of WR
4.1 Wildside Magazine gives no undertaking as to the continuing availability of the WR Program. Wildside Magazine may terminate or suspend the WR Program at any time. WR will give at least 60 days’ notice to Members of such termination or suspension, except if Wildside Magazine ceases to operate or for other reasons outside Wildside Magazine’s control, in which case WR will cease immediately.
5. Membership
5.1 Membership to the WR programme is open only to South African’s residents having a postal mailing address in South Africa and who pay all fees (if any) due in any Membership Year. Members who cease meeting these requirements will forfeit their Membership entitlement and all WR Benefits will expire.
5.2 WR has the right to accept or reject any application for Membership in its sole discretion.
5.3 By applying for Membership, using the Membership Account or earning or using WLR Benefits, the applicant agrees that upon acceptance of the application by WR, the applicant will become a Member and will be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
5.4 Each Member can have only one Membership Account. If more than one Membership Account has been assigned to a Member in error, the Member must promptly inform WR and WR may cancel the excess Membership(s). Membership is not transferable.
6. Use of the Membership Card
6.1 WR will issue a Card to Members.
6.2 The Card is and will remain the property of Wildside Magazine and must be returned or destroyed on demand. It is not a card for payment.
6.3 The Card is valid for use only by the Member to whom it was issued and is not transferable in any circumstances.
6.4 If a Card has been issued, WR or Rewards Partners require the Member or Benefit Earner to produce their Card in order to redeem the rewards.
6.5 In the event of loss, theft or unauthorised use of a Card, it is the responsibility of the relevant Member to advise WR as soon as possible.
7. Member obligations and responsibilities
7.1 Members must ensure that they:
a. comply with these Terms and Conditions; and
b. do not abuse or misuse any WR Benefits, services or arrangements accorded to the Member as a result of Membership, including by:
i. engaging in illegal or fraudulent activities;
ii. supplying or attempting to supply false or misleading information, or making a misrepresentation to WR or any of its Reward Partners
iii. selling, assigning or transferring, or offering to sell, assign or transfer any WR Benefit other than in accordance with these Terms and Conditions ; or
iv. acting in a hostile, abusive or aggressive way towards WR representatives or any Rewards Partner.
v. creating multiple Membership Accounts that each receive WR Benefits
7.2 Each Member is responsible for keeping its Membership details up to date and must notify WR of any changes, omissions or incorrect details upon the Member becoming aware of them. WR is not responsible for any failure by a Member to notify WR of any such changes, omissions or incorrect details, or for any incorrect information.
8. Suspension or termination of Membership
8.1 If a Member has breached any of these Terms and Conditions or has failed to pay any money due under WR (including Membership Fees) by the due date, whether intentionally or otherwise, WR may do any one or more of the following:
a. suspend the operation of the Member’s Membership Account;
b. suspend the right of the Member to use the Card and/or the right to earn or receive WR Benefits;
c. cancel or refuse to honour any discount or rebate that has been offered or awarded to the Member;
d. terminate the Membership.
8.2 If WR intends to take action under clause 8.1, it will notify the Member of its intention and the reason for that action.
8.3 Unless otherwise required by applicable laws, WR and Wildside Magazine will not be liable for any Loss whatsoever suffered by any person as a result of any action under clauses 8.1 or 8.2.
9. Reward Schemes and Benefits
9.1 WR Benefits are offered under the applicable Reward Scheme’s terms and conditions. A Reward Partner may limit the WR Benefits offered. For example, WR Benefits may not be redeemed provided the Reward Partner has availability / stock.
9.2 It is the responsibility of each Member to ensure that it has read the terms and conditions of each Reward Partner and is aware of the current Benefits to which a Member may be entitled as well as how and when WR Benefits may be used.
9.3 All goods and services supplied by a Rewards Partner are supplied in the terms specified by the Rewards Partner. Without limiting the foregoing, all benefits received a Benefit Earner is subject to the applicable Rewards Partners terms and conditions.
11. Validity of WR Benefits and Membership Account
11.1 Except as otherwise provided in these Terms and Conditions, WR benefits will not expire as long as the Member remains an Active Member; unless the Rewards Partner has a specific expiry date noted in their terms and conditions.
11.2 WR benefits can not be exchanged for cash
12. Personal information
12.1 It is a condition of Membership of the WR Program that a Member consents and authorises WR to collect, use, store and disclose, for the purposes described in clause 16.2, the information it provides on its application form.
12.2 The purposes referred to in clause 16.1 are for each of WR and the applicable Rewards Partner to:
a. operate and manage the WR Program, including making goods and services and WLR Benefits available to Members;
b. improve Member service, including by means of research, marketing, product development and planning;
c. market its products or services or the products or services of third parties;
d. facilitate any third party providing benefits to the Member