Style, Serenity and Soul

 Situated in the malaria-free Lapalala Wilderness Reserve, in the Waterberg region of the Limpopo province, Tintswalo at Lapalala opened her doors to receive her first guest in November 2018. The Lapalala Wilderness Reserve was founded in 1981 by conservation leaders Dale Parker and Clive Walker.

An easy three and a half hours drive from Johannesburg the 45 000 ha Lapalala Wilderness Reserve, and soon to become 55 000 ha, is home to only two commercial lodges, making Tintswalo at Lapalala the perfect place to indulge in some serenity and reap the benefits of some soulful healing that comes from spending time in such pristine natural beauty.

 Restoring the Balance of Nature

Lapalala Wilderness Reserve is well known for its research and breeding programs of rare and endangered species as well as the environmental education program it delivers through the Wilderness School founded by Clive Walker to school communities from around South Africa.

The main aim for the reserve is to be able to restore healthy populations of all species that historically have been recorded in the area. This includes sable,…