The summer holidays have arrived bringing with it the imminent end to 2022. How has 2022 treated you?

For us it’s been a year of wonderful opportunities to travel and to grow both on a business and personal level. More than all of that, with your support, we’ve had the opportunity to bring you another 12 editions of Wildside Magazine and for that we are very grateful.

Thank you to all our readers and advertisers for all your support and for making 2022 the amazing year it’s been.

In our final edition for 2022 we set off on an epic journey of discovery through the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area. There are exciting things happening behind the scenes and in 2023 we hope to be bringing you some very exciting news.

It’s never too early to start planning next year’s adventures and to give you some ideas we’ve included our top 5 travel experiences that should appear on everybody’s 2023 travel bucket lists.

We wish you and your family and loved ones a very blessed and happy Christmas. Take good care of yourselves over the festive season.

Enjoy your holidays!

Merry Christmas!